Monday, January 26, 2009

Remembering Patel's

Patel's has sounded a death knell with the announcement that their family recipe is up for sale.

The business was a Boyce Farmers' Market mainstay. The popularity of Patel's recipe led to competition in various incarnations, eventually fostering the successful Samosa Delight. The two competing businesses were jockeyed around the market by the complaints of other vendors during 2007's "samosa war", who imagined that the samosa draw decreased traffic in front of their stalls. When the Boyce Market requested that the samosa stands move to a hut outside, Patel's folded.

Saint John may boast the province's best samosas and Samosa Delight is easily less greasy, but Patel's remains firm in the memory of those who grew up with them, maintained through the promethean power of defining, first experiences.

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